Seeing A Better Way Forward

It was about ten years ago when Gerald lost his vision. Health complications meant his vision went from good to nonexistent faster than you can imagine. Suddenly, he was left in a world of darkness. And it’s not as if blindness comes with lessons on how to read braille, cook without sight or get around on your own.

So, Gerald lost his job, too.

Luckily, United Way partner agency New View was there to help. At New View, Gerald found new friends, a new job, and new solutions to help him cope with his blindness. Today, Gerald is able to get to and from work on his own and manage many formerly challenging aspects of his home life.

But that’s not all. Gerald was always a supporter of the United Way, and not even blindness could change that. As many challenges as Gerald has had to face – as many easy, legitimate excuses as he could’ve given to stop donating – he never gave it up. Gerald still finds room in a wallet stretched to the limit, and he gives.

Can you?