Let's Start Something!

Join us for acts of kindness on 405 Day - April 5th!


United Way of Central Oklahoma invites you to celebrate 405 Day with acts of kindness. The smallest gesture or act of kindness can make a great difference in someone’s life. Let’s strengthen our community one act of kindness at a time!

405 Day offers an opportunity to build compassion within communities that share the 405 area code. When we model kindness, it encourages others to act with kindness. Help make kindness a habit in our community by joining us April 5, to complete a group act of kindness.

We encourage you to continue acts of kindness every day. On 405 Day, we would like you to post your acts of kindness on social medial and tag United Way of Central Oklahoma using the hashtag #405United.

For more information about volunteering in our community, please visit the United Way Volunteer Center website at volunteercentraloklahoma.org today!
