Nutrition - WIC United States

WIC: Women Infant and Children

Fiscal Year Program Participation Food Costs NSA* Costs Average Food Cost
Women Infants Children Total
FY 2017 1,737,991 1,787,331 3,760,839 7,286,161 3,605,297,436 1,963,870,871 41.23
FY 2016 1,838,293 1,875,706 3,982,440 7,696,439 3,949,568,002 1,946,114,265 42.76
FY 2015 1,923,171 1,939,741 4,160,831 8,023,742 4,175,956,749 1,921,956,976 43.37
FY 2014 1,972,833 1,964,389 4,321,191 8,258,413 4,324,373,607 1,903,445,501 43.64

NSA - Nutrition Service and Administrative costs. Approximately two-thirds of total costs are used to provide nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, and linkages to health and other client services (e.g., immunization; drug, alcohol and tobacco education; referrals to family and child health social programs). The remining third is used for traditional management functions.

The annual average food cost is the benefit per month.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture. WIC Program - Monthly Data - National Level.