2014 Vulnerability

Location Wealth of Community (GDP) Age of Community % of population Aged 0-5 (2013) % of population Aged 65+ (2013) Businesses with less than 20 employees (2012)
National 17418.3 Billion (2014) 239 6% 19.5% 6,406,642
State $ 138.3 billion (2014) 125 7% 19.9% 78,368
Canadian County N/A 125 7% 15.8% 2,127
Cleveland County N/A 160 6% 15.1% 4,762
Kingfisher County N/A 125 7% 22.8% 412
Lincoln County N/A 124 6% 22.4% 519
Logan County N/A 125 6% 19.4% 677
Oklahoma County $71 Million (Oklahoma City 2014) 125 8% 17.7% 19,154
Pottawatomie County N/A 124 7% 20.8% 1,124


US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, http://www.bea.gov/national/index.htm#gdp

Ok.gov, Oklahoma Economic Indicators, pg. 4

World Bank, http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD

National Archives, http://www.archives.gov/legislative/features/oklahoma/

Cleveland County Chamber of Commerce, http://www.clevelandchamber.org/

US Census Bureau, 2012 Census

Pre-impact conditions that make communities more vulnerable to disaster impacts.