All Heart-Disease Age-Adjusted Death Rates by Race and Sex

All Heart Disease Age-Adjusted Death Rates by Race and Sex, per 100,000
  All Races White Black Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native Asian and Pacific Islander
  Total  Male  Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
United States 338.6 425.7 270.3 342.5 432.5 270.8 430.1 537.5 353 246 304.5 199.9 306.4 388.7 240.2 187.7 235 151.7
Oklahoma 441.8 544.1 359.5 444.7 549.7 360.3 503.4 563.6 446 225.4 305.3 155.3 463.6 578.7 372.1 197.6 244.4 165.7
Canadian County 379 473.8 315.5 388.1 486.8 321.9 452.3 445.7 411.1 197.8 291.8 102.8 365.9 574.7 219.9 172.4 139.6 156.8
Cleveland County 379 484.1 306 388.4 502.5 308.6 456.2 409.3 413.7 234.8 341.1 147.4 381.2 481 325 172.6 108.7 151.8
Kingfisher County 411.1 516.7 323.3 412.3 526.8 324.1 * * 408.2 242.4 224.7 453.1 484.8 589.4 407.1 197.4 224.3 159.9
Lincoln County 437.3 522.5 352.8 438.5 525.8 356.8 464.1 526.3 406.7 207.5 225.7 154 443.6 540.7 360.4 183.1 254.1 132.9
Logan County 392.5 473.3 326.2 401.6 483.1 328 450.8 479.9 405.3 194.3 207.3 84.5 445.6 533.6 570.3 201.2 222.8 176.8
Oklahoma County 409.7 525.4 323.9 416.3 542.1 324 461.8 521 416.3 215.3 268.4 162.6 416.1 530 339.4 176.3 246.2 158.4
Pottawatomie County 462.2 586.4 347 453.9 578.2 341.6 469.4 523.1 421.6 210.7 274.9 136.5 525.8 541.7 380.7 176.6 286.3 145.2

Per 100,000, 35+ years old


Source: CDC