Teens Ages 12 to 17 who Drank Five or More Drinks of Alcohol in a Row

Location Race/Ethnicity 2013 2015 2017
United States Total 13,060 20.8% 14,967 17.7% 13,779 60.4%
African American or Black 2,854 12.4% 1,552 11.4% 2,516 5.6%
American Indian or Alaskan Native 109 18.3% 157 33.3% 128 20.6%
Asian  479 10.2% 602 8.1% 618 4.0%
Hispanic or Latino 3,210 22.6% 4,853 17.7% 3,292 14.0%
White 5,322 23.2% 6,668 19.7% 5,947 15.7%
Two or More Races 663 20.1% 714 18.7% 783 14.9%
Oklahoma Total 1,439 21.8% 1,577 16.5% 1,499 14.2%
African American or Black 99 N/A 92 N/A 56 N/A
American Indian or Alaskan Native 137 23.4% 119 15.0% 162 17.3%
Asian 25 N/A 24 N/A 44 N/A
Hispanic or Latino 159 21.6% 304 18.2% 281 15.1%
White 801 23.1% 810 17.2% 702 14.2%
Multiple Races 202 25.1% 199 18.4% 210 15.4%

(N/A) = Less than 100 respondents for the subgroup

Source: CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High School Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).